The Shut-in Lady Is A Reasonable Sacred Beast Caretaker
Lol, some of the translation is confusing and hard to understand. But, I am able to get the gist of it.
I’m In Trouble Because The Emperor Thinks I’m Terminally Ill
My Husband and I Cannot Live in the Same World
Ed is truly a passive and childish love…. He causes more drama from his end of the relationship and throws tantrums like he can’t believe she rejected him but he was the one who burned her diary and she never said anything of the sort… He is more possessive before she can even tell him How she feels… But alas they are in love… he just being oppressive with his love… She seems easily tricked… But like Lord Francis said she chose that Love herself and they both fell in love with selfish aristocrats… Nellie mother was a true manipulator for everyone… I think that’s what I remember from the novel… I’ll have to reread it… plus it seems that if Ed would only talk to Mellie properly and convey what he means because Mellie thoughts are always racing and with self doubt and doubt about Ed that he never explains until a whole situation is in chaos… Ed sort of reminds me of “The problematic Prince” series… Both these ML irritated the crap out of me … So much plotting against her and she didn’t realize… Ed covered it all up to protect her but he is also … never mind … honestly there was so much drama in a five year marriage that it all seemed suspiciously planned in a way … and hate how the mother in law poisons/gives Mellie contraceptives in a way she can’t get pregnant which is why she lost her baby… Ed selfish love and mostly jealousy will be his undoing a she will realize that it’s his fault Mellie is in despair… Even after them getting married … he completed changed her whole identity and didn’t take her feelings into account… geez this marriage was already headed for a divorce Mellie…. It only lasted five years and now Melllie really needs to live her life and self improvement or some self encouragement… I really need to go back and reread the novel before I ask to much of my expectations from reading…
Meidea Reincarnation Theory - The World's Worst Witch