Kichiku, Encount
After hearing the voice of his beloved porn actress echoing through the first train of the morning, the virgin uke gets a stiffy and the man who was listening to said porn decides to help out
Koi da Ai da wa Sateoite
Walking back home drunkenly one night a man sees a guy sleeping (also drunk) on a park bench, and so he brings him home. They then fool around some (it's pretty cute ngl)
Rojiura Pussycat
Retsujo Love Cross
When you go to a bathhouse to vacay with your boyfriend you're about to break up with and then cheat on him with a guy on a massage chair
My Annoying Boss Is... Kinda Sexy?!
Simplified Pervert Romance
Yuki is a perverted masochist and Ryouji has a weird fetish for his face. Clearly it's meant to be <3
Room to Room
So Chamin has a bunch of sex with his roomate while he's asleep and DOES NOT realize it
Too Deep in Love
Uke keeps on asking girls out but they say they're all in love with his rival. However, the rival is very very much in love with the uke
Love Shuttle