Multiple stories about anthropomorphized bugs, mostly centered on Shiori, a spider who no longer eats other bugs, and his friends.
Ch.01.1-01.3, 01.7-2.2 - Shiori (spider) finds two male Japanese honeybees (Honey and Bee) have unexpectedly moved into his house (web) after being chased out by the stronger female bees. He takes them in, recalling when he previously took in a butterfly with a torn wing, Midori, and fell in love, as well as two ladybugs, leading him to stop eating other insects, before Shiori was taken away by another spider. But when Shiori hears Midori may still be alive, he and all his friends are determined to bring Midori home. Cute story. Trigger warning: forced confinement.
Ch.01.4-01.6 - Akira has a mild sun allergy, so he hates staying inside every summer. But this year a cicada, Natsume, who has heard his voice while hibernating below the ground until now has emerged, and he wants to use his brief time on earth to mate with Akira. Akira isn't sold, but will Natsume win him over. Trigger warning: death.
Ch.2.3 - The story of Arou, the spider who stole Midori, and how he became so mistrustful of other bugs, as well as his subordinate Shirogane who loves him, but Arou refuses to believe it. Trigger warning: betrayal, violence.
Ch.2.4 - The story of Mutsuki, who moved to Tokyo and found a strange, non-human tenant living in his apartment who he called Kuro, but the two began living together happily anyway. But when Mutsuki faces a possible transfer that might make him leave Kuro behind, Kuro has to decide whether to reveal his true nature as a cockroach. No trigger warnings.
Ch.2.5 - Extras
Renai Chuudoku (MIKAGE Tsubaki)