An Attack on Titan Eren x Levi dj. Set in an omegaverse world, Eren is a high school omega who deals with the frustrations in life that come along with his unusually powerful pheromones by listening to his favorite band and the lead singer, L-san. Eren has always known that L was his fated pair, but he never thought they'd actually meet, until he got the legendary fan service ticket that allows him to meet a band member of his choice. Although Eren doesn't plan to let L know that they're a pair, the moment they meet pheromones take over and things get a little wild, causing Eren to flee in a panic. But L, real name Levi, is extremely possessive of what's his, and he's not about to let Eren go. Not a healthy relationship, but an interesting one. I liked it for what it was. Trigger warning: dubcon, abusive behaviors.
Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Fan Service - Omegaverse