Tensei Seijo, Maou Aku ni Nomi Hatsujou su ~ Kouryaku Taishou ni wa Zettai ni Tokimeke nai Isekai de
Like the plotline Also ‚the demon kings demon‘ aka his penis
Lord Baby Runs A Romance Fantasy With Cash
Ok nothing special. But not bad to read
The Villainess Lives Twice
Finally!!! A real villainess. She was a scheming bitch in her past live and even in her new life. Only her loyalty changed. She is still willing to sacrifice aka kill people for her husband if it’s unavoidable But she’s not a bad person, more like morally grey. She views herself as evil Love her relationship with her husband Now she’s also a saintess and I lOVE what the monk said to her because of that. That was cool The husband is definitely a 10/10 or even a 100/10 The pregnancy was also not bad. I know many people dislike the pregnancy trope, but I liked it here. It didn’t feel forced, she was super scared and wasn’t sure what to do. I liked that. Also how her husband reacted to the news. He’s a good husband
The Villain’S Precious Daughter
Love it and want more I like that the child is a child even if it knows the future/past whatever I like her family and am excited to read more I also want more information about her birth and everything
Kill the Lights
I liked it. It was a fun plot and the characters were also nice Let’s be honest- the Seme has problems (he should see a therapist), but it’s not an abusive relationship. Yes, there is a little dub con, but it’s mostly fine Love the uke intim piercing
Second Life of a Trash Princess
Dunno Not catchy, but the art is pretty Pretty also seems like the only important thing the ML is I kinda like it I guess FL is not bad But the ML is just a cute and pretty face for me . I don’t see real potential or chemistry till now
I’m being raised by villains