Isso Mou, Kudokitai!
I legit like this one, but haven't read it in a while!!
Miwaku No Ringo
Awwwww!!!!!!!! They're all cute in my book, and I hope Itsuki-sensei finds someone too!
Oyaji Hiroimashita
I truly do love Nakaya the steward! This was soooooo cute, sweet, and funny of course!!!!
The Gamer
I'm soooooo freaking interested in this!!!! Every time I wait for an update for this feels like years went by!!!!!!!! Please update soooooooooonnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Akai Ito No Shikkou Yuuyo
I truly loved this, but I feel like it was rushed over at the end...
This is great, but I'm more interested in Shinwoo than anyone else!
Seikaku Kuzu De Nani Ga Warui
I found this really interesting!!!! I can't wait for them to update!!!!!
I love this!!!!!!!! Please update soooon!!!!!!!
Jackass! - Sawatte Ii tte Dare ga Itta yo?
I found this extremely cute, and I hope this author made more manga like this or similar to this!!!!!