Eigyou Nika!
update: all YO links for this is already dead(phew thankgod dled it early) dled all chapters but chap 5 link was dead; the scanlators, mofumofu or die scans, who translated ch 7 onwards deleted the mega dl links https://alienfairyland.tumblr.com/tagged/eigyou-nika dl complete vol on archive org https://archive.org/details/EigyouNika/Cat%20Couple%20Extra%20%28Lovers%20Ticket%29/page/n15/mode/2up was able to dl the blcd tho https://alienfairyland.tumblr.com/post/160178235037/eigyou-nika-blcd
Hatsukoi No Atosaki
blthings.tumblr but already dont have any posts; YO links arent working; found complete on archive https://archive.org/details/manga_Hatsukoi_no_Atosaki/page/n69/mode/2up done dl
Kore Mo Shigoto Desu
3-onwards off eng trans; Naonoholics scans stopped after it got licensed; succeeding chapters after chap 2 uploaded directly on mango https://naonoholics.tumblr.com/tagged/nerima%20zim https://www.yaoiotaku.com/forums/topic/40756-kore-mo-shigoto-desu-128313-nerima-zim-eng/ 8/13/22: saved mango pdfs of the official chaps
Under My Skin
Complete Volume dled via Ikemen Scans https://ikemen-scans.livejournal.com/144998.html
Doushitemo Furetakunai