Gohoubi wa Shitsuke no Ato
https://www.yaoiotaku.com/forums/topic/58225-gohoubi-wa-shitsuke-no-ato-3000-niyama-eng/ Scanbeans ch 1 - YO has it but only that one is available; rose squad has the remaning chapters dlable but the extra doesnt have link ; think i dled them all and just renamed their folders since the zips dont compile them by chaps when you open them; except for the extra, proably saved it manually from their reader bc they dont have a dl link for it
Gozen 0 Ji no Ookami Koushi
1st story: teacherxstudent 2nd; yakuza sworn brothers FB; done dl all https://fujoshibitches.wordpress.com/category/gozen-0-ji-no-ookami-koushi/
Gyangu no Kai-kata
done saved images; didnt bother to re-check who uploaded this etc 8/3/22: i think i dled chap 1 from YO; the rest of chaps i dled from the imgur link i found in credit pages(ch 4-2 extras); ch 2-3 not dled bc from an insta scanlator who diesnt have links; anw good news, I checked YO again and someone uploaded full volume recently so DONE DL https://www.yaoiotaku.com/forums/topic/56530-gyangu-no-kai-kata-10022-akihisa-teo-eng/?do=findComment&comment=2615129
Honto Yajuu
ongoing, https://www.yaoiotaku.com/forums/topic/6345-honto-yajuu-by-yamamoto-kotetsuko/ seot scanlations; still unfinished go back here; some chap links on rss are not working anymore https://scanlations30.rssing.com/chan-13821900/all_p6.html <--used a link so i can take note; i think 20 up chaps have working links and earlier chaps dont have anymore, anw have dled vol 1-5/7 from yo but the other mega links dont have the file anymore; ch 16&17 links not working 8/4/22: rss server of sept scans is not working rn; converted rar files under sept scans YO; chaps in sept scans rss folder ay mga sumunod na chapters( except for 16&17(vol 8) still) but katamad i-convert to zips; mango chaps is also until chap 29 smt smt and no current updates
Kachou Fuugetsu
https://www.yaoiotaku.com/forums/topic/11616-kachou-fuutsugu-shimizu-yuki/ Chapter 1-6, 10; chapter 14.5, 16 17 for page 2 are available; Canis Major was the scanlator but their site is already gone; ExR has some of vol 2 and they took over for vol 3 onwards https://exiledrebelsscanlations.com/kachou-fuugetsu/ ---- 8/6/22: Ch 1-7(Solo & Yaoi Shake Scans(no longer active). Ch 8-19 from Canis but no more site nga. sum1 posted on YO complete list:https://www.yaoiotaku.com/forums/topic/11616-kachou-fuutsugu-shimizu-yuki/?do=findComment&comment=2597801 i believe same lng yung first 6 dl links here with the ones on i found on archive (except the 14.5 bc this MF link is also the link ExR posted):https://archive.org/details/manga_Kachou_Fuugetsu/Kachou%20Fuugetsu%20v01%20c01-07/ anw,deleted the ones i dled before and dled from the new YO post the first 6 only(ch 14.5(ExR's ver) & Vol 3 Ch 20-21.5 I dled from ExR). Exr currently is on Vol 10 ch 73. SO, DONE DL (again but this time complete na)THOSE NOT SCANLATED BY ExR. Vol 4 onwards by ExR for next time na
Kobi No Kyoujin
full series but x sides were missing chapters https://archive.org/details/KobiNoKyojinSeries/page/n15/mode/2up complete x side and other stories https://www.yaoiotaku.com/forums/topic/45219-bi-no-kyoujin-x-side-and-other-stories-by-ike-reibun-eng/ -------------- Ehem*slides note saying "Chap 13.6 is where its at" conspicuously across the table * majority of the dl links on YO are dead so not worth the effort; scanlators that worked on this: bake neko scans, fujoshi bitches https://www.yaoiotaku.com/forums/topic/11945-kobi-no-kyoujin-23194123982098220995-by-ike-reibun-eng/page/4/
The Time a Gangster was Reincarnated as Ranmaru Mori
Naked Sword and the Tree Peony of Black
Ikemen all has the chapters; cant find manga on YO; https://ikemen-scans.livejournal.com/139632.html vol 1 has another version by GrapeJelly scanlator; all of their discord invites are invalid and they dont have any site
Minori no Te
https://www.yaoiotaku.com/forums/topic/27425-minori-no-te-by-scarlet-beriko-eng/; complete download; ch 6.6 from madame le poo
Furachi na Keiji-san