Kishukusha no Kuroneko wa Yoru wo Shiranai
BL Tsundoku scans
Red Beryl ni Sayonara
Fundash Yaoi Ch 1-2 Zandy no Fansub Ch 3- ongoing YO has Ch 1-6 ZnF has it on their discord and website:
Dreaming Vampire
ongoing, done dl Hero scans until latest ch 5(ch 5 mf link directs to mdex instead of dling but found dl on discord) scan team save folder
Smoky Nectar Renew
Bl Tsundoku. They dont provide dl links. Only mdex
Kyuuketsuki ha shinzo no yume wo miru
Kinda meh ending; Rose Squad Scans; completed but only ch 1-4 has links idk when they will offer the complete download link 9/21/22: discord dl links parang they removed idk if temp. Anw not on YO or archive. Indv dl on their reader ch 5-8(end) DONE DL
Folklore no Gochisou