Koko Wa Yasashii Niwa
Seraphic Deviltry website is currently down but checking their facebook, it looks like it's just a hiccup; the link they provided though only takes you to their reading site of spanish scanlations; will update this ch 1 and 2 is at least available on YO https://www.yaoiotaku.com/forums/topic/39821-koko-wa-yasashii-niwa-10056-enzou-eng/ 8/12/22: site still down
Zetsubou ni Nake
ongoing, Hero Scans; dl links fr tumblr and discord arent working & dont want to dm them abt it so tg cubari reader has dl option so I dled from there, ch 7 + extra arent uploaded there yet though so :') https://cubari.moe/read/gist/JsfyC/ update: found ch 7 on archive lol. just dled both files i found (same size and content tho) 1: https://archive.org/details/zetsubou-ni-nake-1/Zetsubou%20ni%20Nake%207/mode/2up 2: https://archive.org/details/zetsubou-ni-nake-manga/%5BRyo%20Shinou%5D%20Zetsubou%20ni%20Nake%207%2BExtra%20-%20Eng/ 4/06/22 UPDATE! VOL 1 done dl; so, just found out that hero links hyperlinks should automatically trigger dl; if it doesnt, copy link address, paste on new tab and it automatically downloads https://heroscans.org/zetsubou-ni-nake/; [Ryo Shinou] Zetsubou ni Nake Vol 1 - Eng is the file
Kiwa (Kaori Monchi)