Sweet Man
interesting plot - childhood friend turns out to be a 300 year old vampire who ran away from his family/vampire culture and accidentally bites friend making them blood donor both immortal - feels guilty about it - but friend is weirdly matter of fact/accepting of this - friend gains some powers as semi-vampire but also needs training to protect against being hunted for alluring scent/controlled by vampire clan as inferior human risk turns out vampire was attracted to and liked him and tried to stay away not to involve him but couldn't - very straightforward/moral friend accepts this and promises to stay by him as blood donor even if he doesn't return feelings (which develop laater of course) conflict / mystery from vampire's past estrangement from family as father killed his past donor, and clan members with mysterious/ulterior motives/to sabotage/kill donor to get vampire to come home - turns out subordinate vampire/donor (humans still badly treated by main family/father) instead using main donor as leverage to get vampire to come back and overthrow/kill his father and change outdated power system that subjugates human donors etc, vampire/bond compulsions/ learning to control powers / secrets - character growth, good friends, strong caring intelligent donor who stands up for himself and those he cares about / sweet sensitive vampire with angsty past who loves donor turns into danger/ violence etc as plot to overthrow father/system proceeds
Biting the Tiger