Kedamono Arashi - Kiss Me Baby! -
I’m glad we could see more regarding their family life. The child is just sooo adorable and I love how they both misunderstood the situation that caused them to be jealous. The top is soo good at giving tongue kiss that it just looks soo dirty
Kedamono Arashi: Hug Me Baby!
Amazing!!!! I love how it’s having a lot of sequels. I’m glad the father in law is slowly gonna accept the relationship. Their kid is just sooo adorable and I love how the top is so obsesses over the cuteness of his son
Kedamono Arashi -Hold Me Baby!-
We finally got another couple. The father in law has finally gotten his chance to be happy with the one he loved. More kids have been added to the family tree.
Kedamono Arashi - Touch Me Baby!
OMG more sequels but even better cause the side characters got to date each other. We met more family members of the top. The kids just keep getting cuter and cuter.
Kedamono Arashi -Love Me Baby!-
I just can’t get enough of the top being soo jealous and protective of the bottom. We finally got to see the stepbrother’s love story and it was soo wonderful. Would have liked to see him making a family but oh well he got to be happy.
Bitter Like Light