Onegai Sonnnani Kamanaide
The semen is soo ducking horny I love the way he has a fetish for biting but I love it even more when he gets soo possessive like makes me horny
Mayonaka no BL Henshuubu wa Yume wo Miru
I loved the story it’s just I feel like it needed more of their happy moments. Cause for the entire story they were kinda not talking to each other until the last chapter
Sore wa Haru no Owari ni
Their story is soo adorable the uke is a total tsundere
Omune-chan no Sainan
Kimi no Tonari de Yurarete
The uke is adorable that I just want to protect him. I love that the semen always made sure that the uke was okay. I will have also loved to see more of the side story (chapter 5) it would have made a great story and maybe funny
Omega wa Pink no Yume wo Miru
I would have liked to seen more of their happy relationship. It’s good since it has a lot of sex scenes but I kinda felt rushed at some points
Safe Partner
AMAZING!!!! The story was just perfect but for the ending it would have been even better if they were able to come out to their families about dating each other. The uke is very sexy in bed and especially when he wants to take the lead. The semen is soo hilarious with how he just loves sex with the uke that he does it for many round every day. I especially love how he is obsesses with the uke that he just wants him close and no man touching what’s his
The new employee