Kyuuketsuki ha shinzo no yume wo miru
I’ll be honest the only best part was the whole tension between the uke and semen but it was a good story
Moudoku Sugar Syrup
Wonderful….just wonderful. Love how their love grew
Welcome to the Intimate Night
The bite scenes are just sexy with the tongue
Zero Hunting to Trap a Wolf
Translation was a bit laggy and I feel like there needed to be more information. It’s was a pretty good story if you love comedy cause I for sure laughed a lot
Bloody Taboo
Translation kinda started to be messed up in certain chapters. The story needed more details and the ending was kinda bad since we don’t know how the uke got pregnant and well it needed more information
The Tiger Who Swallowed The Moon
The main story is quite interesting and the plot is very well written. However, I gotta say I wish I could see more of the side couple since they were soo adorable. I know they were able to confess their love but I would have loved to seen more of their happy time in the future.
Bite marks and Fluorite
The semen is soo hot and I just love how he has become possessive for wanting the uke to be only his. The uke has made him possessive
Red Beryl ni Sayonara
OMG I was soo scared the moment I saw the first chapter cause it made me think that the ending was gonna be sad but it ended with a happy ending which I’m glad
Folklore no Gochisou