Kaerenu Oni tono Momobiyori
Such beautiful art and I just love the story that I wished it had more cause it was soo amazing
The Moon and the Wolf
The only reason why I like it is because of the story ‘the moon and the wolf’ I wish it had more
Tsumasaki Kara Aisarete
Hehe it was that bad of a story it was something different from what I always read and it was pretty good
Kashikomarimashita, Destiny
Waaah so beautiful I’ve always loved this manga and especially that both couples had kids. I would really love to watch the kids love story
Satou-kun ni wa Kanawanai (Sachimo)
Umm quite interesting but I’m not that much of a threesome
I love the whole process of the story but I just hated that they never kinda made it obvious that they were in a relationship
Kirei ni Shiteyo
MY GOD!!!!! I LOVED IT!!!! They were soo adorable and just love everything about this manga I could reread it over and over
Kocchi Muite, Ai