Senpai, Danjite Koidewa!
Hiyo-chan Koi wo Suru?
It’s interesting how both couples lied in order to either get or not get attention from their siblings. But I for sure know they all had a brother complex
The Crows Marriage
Ashita kimi no mono ni shite
The characters were so adorable that it made the story so cute and heartwarming. The art was soo beautiful that I really loved it
Unmei-teki Lovemeter
This author has created such wonderful stories with amazing art that I recommend ALL their work cause I’ve been loving them ALL so far
A Wisdom Tooth
FUCK!!!!!!! It need MORE I FREAKING LOVED IT!!!! It could use some more chapters I just can’t this author is TOOO AMAZING!!!!!
Kimi no yoru ni fureru
OMG it’s soo amazing. The art it’s just perfect, the characters are soo adorable, and the story is just beautiful I love the wording of everything
Oyasumi, Itoshiki Kotori-sama
Such a heartwarming story everyone was just adorable ️
Feel Free to Hug Me