Itou-san (KURAKA Sui)
wow, well it was rlly interesting and def dark, but I actually liked it!
obv if rape doesn't do well for you then def DO NOT read this, it includes lots of physical and mental abuse and its so twisted like I can't say that I like it but in a way it was interesting enough to keep me reading till the end? I can't rlly see them together in a relationship like I just can't. I did like that long haired side character, quite often felt bad for him 2, cuz of the other asshole (he sucked).
this was actually good, I rlly liked it! bUT WHERE IS THE REST OF YA>:( hopefully its still ongoing? no way that someone compared THIS to ks like what, hell naw
Individual Diet Preference
don't know how to rate it, it's weird but also interesting, I wish there would be more chs:(
Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai
ive read half of it so far, but uhmm well its something. i watched the anime and it was fine, but the hear me out it was fine till some point like until THE secret came out and then it got messy, also probs didnt pay enough attention, but i got no idea who is who (except the main chars and few others)
Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku
this was sooo good wth, like the touch of reality w the situations that actually happen all over the world every single day was sth i rlly liked about this (it was terrifying tho); at first i thought the main dude was probs gonna be an usual villain ("the bad dude") that you see often, but the change was nice - overall it was a great manga️
Lifeless Man
story idea itself is great, but the style wasn't giving it for me:/ still finished it tho
Nii-chan (harada)