Oh well this was a lot, but I liked it. Haru and shiro deserve better, which reminds me that I should've read mods before haru's story.
I Hate
Damn I'm rlly enjoying mangas by this author.
His Little Amber
wHERE IS THE REST OF YA, okay nvm good news it's being updated again and I had it in my read list already:>
Koi O Hitokuchi
this was a bit weird to me and felt forceful..? dunno, didn't feel great about this
Ten Count
so I had lots of mixed feelings thru out this and was feeling like it was sometimes 2 forced or sumthing dunno, it's not necessarily bad but I wouldn't say that it has anything special, tho I would prob recommend reading this
Cat And Master Dog
Yamane Ayano One Shots
read the 2nd and 3rd one, they were okay, nothing special, but I still enjoyed them
Love So Pure
I liked daeshiks and yosefs story more:') THE AMOUNT OF SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT I GOT FROM DAESHIK OH GOD, lots of mental issues going on 2 which I actually appreciate cuz I like seeing mental health related shit going on in mangas
Under the Green Light
I'm so confused rn, is this on hiatus or is it discontinued?? Where is the rest of ya
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