Pink Heart Jam
oKAY WAIT THIS WAS SO GOODthe characters are rlly pretty 2 and the whole band thingy AWWWH gODDAMN
Cool Doji Danshi
This was soooo good and adorable wth AND BAHHAHAHAHA IT MADE ME LAUGH TOO, absolutely loved soumas jacket designing, it was great to see a bit more serious situation (it feels wrong to use this word, but I can't think of a better one)
The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All
AAAAAH THIS IS SO DAMN GOOD! The plot is rlly interesting, the chs aren't 2 long or 2 short and the the fking art style ommagad now that we also got one of the uhmmm main characters (haven't memorized their names yet) got an electric guitar LIKE WHAT, the moment there's an electric guitar or bass in manga I'm head over heels, I've wanted pick up a guitar (especially an electric one or even bass) for sooooo long, but unfortunately I haven't done it
Back to School: All Grown Up
uuuh this was great<3 I very much like the fact that chiwoo ended up with kyujin, but then again I liked the uhmm part with the bad dude (I for some reason can't memorize his name), ofc w/o the serious events that took place in the school manhwa
My Dear Lass
so adorable! love the characters as well, plus the style isnt something that i would normally read so that was a nice change:)
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