Kunkou Schale
I need more of this in my life
Gamushara Mob Rape 2 Chikan Jigoku Hen - Kuroko no Basuke DJ
I love this too much.
Itoshi no XL Saizu
Oh boy. This looks like it's gonna be a wild ride with anaconda senpai. Update! It is a wild ride and I love it. Anaconda senpai is in looove
Jealousy (Scarlet Beriko)
Very cute with lots of fun dialogue and some dangerous and violent scenes. The sex is quite nice and the characters all have some unique qualities. Some of it is a bit slow, but overall this is enjoyable.
Ayashi no Hakoniwa ni Ukabu Tsuki
Super pretty art with a nice little story. Nothing too easy or hard to follow and the characters all look very nice. The sex is really pretty, although weird at times. Good read overall
Fukusu Mobure BL
This is so cute and sexy!! I love how the clones all have some possible "dream guy" aspect and it's super funny how youichi wishes he was kinda like them. Fubiki is super cute and he is a great match for youichi. I also love the stupid little things the Cline's have to say like "this is why youre still a virgin" and "maybe we should make some fibiki clones." A super cute book with great sex and a beloved "I can't bear being fucked by multiple of you" cliche.
Doutei Nana-kun Foreign Love
This looks super cute and possibly very hot. I love how akiyama is a flustered little virgin bean and the uke is an experienced boi. This looks very cute and I am excited to see where this goes!
Make Me Bark