Silver Ash's manga / #Emotional Manipulation(2)

Honeycomb Child

Ongoing | Watanabe Asia | 2008 released

Last ch 1.1 This took me a bit to understand. Miroku is the son of “papa” Keito and Hachisu are twins that come from “papa”’s lover and wife. Affair children. Keito and Miroku hate “papa” but love Hachisu dearly. Hachisu loves all of them but likely loves “papa” the most, and most honestly. How “papa” feels is curious as his feelings of hatred for his ex lover and wife are the only ones that are confirmed. He probably loves Hachisu but his hatred for Ren, his ex lover, keeps him from actually holding Hachisu himself. His comment about how Hachisu will be the one to kill him is most interesting. I also have questions about how Hachisu came to love “papa”

Miwaku Shikake - Amai Wana

Ongoing | Nekota Yonezou | 2013 released

Last ch 9 Nekota-sensei has such a grip on me, what the fuck!? Her works are such joys to read and affirming to the queer community! My darling love!