Switch dj - Pandora
Okay he basically just asked if he wanted Kai for Kai or if he wanted Kai for switch Get with it, they’re gonna get married
Hide & Seek
Complete ch 35.5 Whoa man (< ch 22) I’m happy with this. And that’s what counts. (Ch 35.5)
Kiken na Ookamiotoko
Last ch 3 Well we all saw that coming. (Ch 1) Another case of, the moment he mentioned his trauma I knew the diagnosis. (Ch 3)
Adam no Rokkotsu
Complete ch 13 As someone who has a disassociative personality disorder, I’m... torn because this isn’t totally correct nor is it completely wrong. Of course symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. Maybe there isn’t enough content for this story yet for me to be okay with the representation. (Ch 2) Held out and am pleased with the direction. My predictions have mostly been correct and the natural flow of the story is really nice. The psychology doesn’t have any major issues going forward. It’s better when Rei isn’t being an asshole moody teenager. (Ch 7)