My Little Inferno
Umm I don’t know why the rating are SOO low for this manga BECAUSE IT WAS SOOO GOOD. There was barely any psychological things that happened except the rape part…and that was it. I expected kidnap and a bunch of other things since I read a lot of (HARADA) psychological mangas. This was kinda light and cute and their dynamic was to par. I reallly enjoyed it :3 Like IT WAS WHOLESOME!!! The tags are such BULLSHIT, I fucking thought I would be disgusted Girl BYE
Hate You, Love You
Girllll This book had everything and a whole. There was so many twist and turns I didn’t even know wtf I was reading. I was literally trying to understand what the hell was going on but I couldn’t. Anways the main couple WAS JUST TOOOOO FUCKING MUCH. So many things happen between them Dyke I don’t even know what to speak in, so there was a part where he got r3p3ad by his teacher when he was young…and the teacher only went to jail for a few years. And then HOT RELEASED!,!!!!!! Like what. And then the teacher ended up stalking him and WAS OBSSESED WITH HIM AND DEFIDED TO LOGHT THE PLACE ON FIRE WHILE THEY WERE TOGETHER. But Lance (first couple top) WAS ABLE TO FUND HIM AND RESCUEE HIM BEFORE DISSAPEARING AGAUN. In the beginning so they both liked each other and the bottom didn’t want him to like he didn’t want him to like him or whatever the fuck so the top lands was like oh, I’m not ever I’m not gonna let you out of my side. Anyways, so this is some things that happened the bottom try to move into a new house, but Lance ended up finding it up and was like no you’re not I’m not letting you do that number to less ended up going to a broad because what happened was his grandma didn’t like the bottom and was like OK I don’t want you near my near my grandson and then his mom lance mom was like bro I don’t being friends with my son anymore. And then he almost get blackmailed but that doesn’t go anywhere THANKFULLY. Overall the plot was just all over the place like I didn’t even know what the hell was going on because some of the things didn’t add up like what happened to the grandma like number two what happened to lance when his mom said that she didn’t want him with the bottom anymore. Number three what was going on with the bottom like every single minute this man was contradicting his feelings, like it wasn’t making sense, and then again, he had this phase where he was like a “Whore making he was sleeping out n stuff”…BUTBHE WAS STILL A FUCKING VIRGIN?!!!! and then Lance ended up leaving him again. I just the book was all over the place like this book was literally like sudoku. He just has shits going on back-and-forth. The second couple of the red haired and Wes were my favourite couple to be honest with you because they had a dynamic. I will literally read a story about them. The teacher and the student story was a little bit like bitch what the fuck was going on I just I just pretended that didn’t exist so anyways, West, and the red haired guy will like the relationship actually ate like point blank ate!!! like you know what I’m talking about.
For Your Love
I cried, This manga was sauuuuuur good IGBOL. This is how an unrequited love manag is witennnnn PERIOOD
At the End of the Road
I’ve always wanted to read this manga but never got too and now that I have….THIS SHIT DID NOT DISAPPOINT AT ALL!!!! I’m so in love with THE UKE AND THE SEME!!! The story and the plot ate!!! And the ENDING WAS SOOO GOOD!!! The 2nd couple were so cute and I WANT A SEME LIKE THE 2nd couple. The plot The plot was interesting and was def not lacking, even though we didn’t get to see that birch ass irrelevant twin get his ass beat I already know what HAPPENED if you put two and two together. The story of one another was sooo heartwarming and sooo cute…well minus the literal bullying and suicide. Def a 10/10 would SOOO RECOMMEND
Love Shuttle