WHERES THE DECORM WHEREWES THE CLAS!!!!!!!!THIS SHIT ATE TBH,M LIKE THEY ARE SOOO CUTE, It makes me wanna reread Never Understand (No matter how much i donèt like worri in that manga
At the End of the Road
I’ve always wanted to read this manga but never got too and now that I have….THIS SHIT DID NOT DISAPPOINT AT ALL!!!! I’m so in love with THE UKE AND THE SEME!!! The story and the plot ate!!! And the ENDING WAS SOOO GOOD!!! The 2nd couple were so cute and I WANT A SEME LIKE THE 2nd couple. The plot The plot was interesting and was def not lacking, even though we didn’t get to see that birch ass irrelevant twin get his ass beat I already know what HAPPENED if you put two and two together. The story of one another was sooo heartwarming and sooo cute…well minus the literal bullying and suicide. Def a 10/10 would SOOO RECOMMEND
Heesu in Class 2
Heresy and his bf are eso cute!!!! This manga ate and did what IT NEEDED TO DO!!! The side couple LOWKEY..bored the f outta me maybe it’s because it lacked structure and seemed rushed a bit. The author should have like MADE THEM SEPARATE YK TO TELL THEIR STORY FULLY!! But Neways it WASNT giving at all :(((
Papa Wolf and the Puppy