Hidamari ga Kikoeru
The story starts with college student Taichi, who comes from a not-so-well-off household and is desperately searching for work. He (literally) stumbles across fellow student Kouhei while on a job hunt, and is incredibly enticed by the delicious bento Kouhei has in hand. However, something seems a bit off about Kouhei and when Taichi consults his friends about it, he gets an answer he really wasn't expecting: Kouhei is severely hearing impaired.
Who Can Define Popularity?
Si-Won Cha is obsessed with his popularity. Having transformed everything from his weight to his demeanor to remake himself into the perfect popular guy, he loves being the center of attention. What happens when he is challenged by over-eager and equally narcissistic rival Da-Un Hyeong? And why does Da-Un somehow think Si-Won has a crush on him?!
Love Tractor