My Father-in-Law Is My Wife
This one was pretty good
The Third Ending
They had a lot of really cute moments in this manhwa. Season 1 was okay, but season 2 was not as enjoyable as season 1, mainly because I progressively did not like yoonseul’s character after season 1. I almost felt like dropping it but I was already too deep in, so might as well finish it. (SPOILERS) His biggest con is his possessiveness and tbh possessiveness isn’t bad as long as it’s just right or it’s what the character is expected to be like in darker, and more serious plot lines which is the opposite of this manhwa. His character at the start didn’t feel possessive at all and was just laid back and chill that’s why when he did a whole 180 I hated it cos it didn’t make sense and it didn’t fit. I was fine with him being desperate and assertive when he was running after jun, but damn ngl when his possessiveness became crazier after they started dating, as well as knowing that jun only had eyes for him, was such a big turn-off. Another thing I didn’t like was when he was manipulating jun into having sex with him, then after successfully manipulating jun into having sex, he did too much and I was just cringing the whole time because bro handle your mans with care idc how horny you are. Yoonseul is lucky that jun’s trope is being blindly in love with his lover. Aside from treating jun good, pros is that he’s at least self-aware that he’s too possessive and immature. Anyway after all that though I’m really just team jun that’s why I had a lot to say about yoonseul lmao (after all the hurt yoonseul put jun through I couldn’t stop myself xD) Although aside from my critical analysis of yoonseul’s character lol, the manhwa does tackle some problems that gay couples do encounter and that’s realistic enough. The few chapters towards the end + the side stories were the cutest moments they had during season 2 and it made yoonseul more tolerable and likeable.
Perfect Buddy
Take a seat cos this’ll be a long one. The first season was really cute since they bicker like there's no tomorrow, but in secret they're pining for the other like crazy. The first time they had sex was also really satisfying because thank god and finally? The tension that they had, sexual and non-sexual, was so good. The following season had put light on the "incident" that happened in the first season, but other than that there are so many things that are being kept from the reader until now and it's really putting me on edge, 50 good, 50 bad. It's fine to keep secrets as it keeps people interested, but the more I read this, the more I feel like I don't know anything at all it makes me feel frustrated; frustration felt especially on the couple's relationship. Let me break it down into a few points: 1. I get slow burn, I love slow burn, I worship slow burn, but their relationship is more like going in circles rather than slow burn. They move forward, then move back, or worse, they just become stagnant and show no progress until a few more chapters (at times several more chapters). They have the same doubts and the same misunderstandings that they can't break free from because they don't communicate and "solve" everything with sex. I love the manhwa's sex scenes as much as the next guy, but I can't even enjoy the sex scenes sometimes because it replaced a conversation they should be having. The porn is overpowering the plot when there’s still so much to unpack. 2. Obviously they're not just sex buddies let's bffr and idk if I've misunderstood something, but I'm pretty sure Youngchan wanted to take the relationship further until Hyunsoo got the wrong idea again and just fucked out of anger? idk man and now Hyunsoo is definitely expecting something romantic from their relationship, but at this point he still can't be honest about it. It's making ME want to rip out both their hair and slap some sense into them. 3. Connected the first 2 points, I also think that the author is trying to drag this out by bringing out problem after problem, just so that they can put off any real progress between Hyunsoo and Youngchan’s relationship. On a more positive note, I love the art, especially the expressions, it makes me crack tf up and is definitely meme/reaction pic material. Idk why I notice it but they draw pretty nice hands too like the form’s really dyanmic and all that. Sex scenes are pretty decent too just that some are too repetitive. The comedic aspect is good as well. I would have rated this a 4 if it didn’t kinda go downhill after season 1 or earlier half of season 2.
Dawn of the Dragon
I definitely have mixed feelings about this one. It’s not bad, I liked it more when we were getting to the flashback parts cos now we get to know more about the plot and how hyo-un and taehyuk’s fates tied together in the past. There are a few plot holes but it’s not that noticeable or you would question it for a second but then just move on. I think the only major problem I have is that there are a number of sex scenes that start out as dubcon/noncon, especially during the flashbacks. It is what it is but again just a warning for other people out there who do not like this. Another concern I have (but it really is up to the interpretation of the reader) is that taehyuk in the past has definitely built a father-son relationship with hyo-un which gives the moral dilemma of a romantic and sexual relationship even though technically hyo-un wasn’t a “child” child, just had the maturity of a child (even in present time). Let’s also add the brother’s obsession over taehyuk lol. Anyway, curious for the next updates and I am praying for taehyuk’s past, present, and future bussy cos hyo-un is too big
Monster In The Mist