Fukouchuu no Shiawase
The one thing I couldn't appreciate was the mangaka's afterword. Enzou's practically bashing Yato for crying because he's a "man" and not a "boy." As much as Enzou will attempt to say at the end that crying may be uncontrollable because they'll sometimes feel that way, why even try and question and criticize your own character for doing it? Just leave it at the fact that all your stories seem to have someone crying in it, regardless of the genre. I just found it unnecessary and ridiculous. After all, crying is an ability pretty much every human has. Trying to restrict it to only a few selected groups is what is truly inhuman. Leave the poor men of the world that need to cry alone. Nevertheless, I won't let this impact how I rate the story (since it's not part of the story). I just needed to point this out.
One Punch-man Dj - Kanata No Anata E
One Punch-man Dj - Hontou Wa Chome-chome Na Sensei
Akai Ito No Shikkou Yuuyo
I would have liked it more if the mangaka did a better job at differentiating Yui-chan and Hiro. I don't mind if she's an androgynous character, but when it makes it somewhat difficult to realize who's who something should be done. Also, as much as it's great that the mangaka really pushed for consent when Kei-kun was drunk, it almost loses its meaning the moment Hiro pounces on him in the 2nd extra. In the end, it just felt like that scene occurred in that manner for the sake of keeping this 'BL'-esque way of getting down to it and catering to those that like it that way :/
Hara Peko Mitsuba Chinko