Kimi ni Tonari - Super Danganronpa 2 dj
Nuno no Mukou no Magicant - Super Danganronpa 2 dj
They go a little OOC the more you read on; it sometimes goes right on track, but then it loses itself again. I think it's mostly because Zakiko is going for a more Yandere!Komaeda and a Sluttier!Hinata-kun, which makes their characters seem too unbelievable. However, I do appreciate how Zakiko maintains their ideals and mannerisms when speaking and acting. (It even shows in all the more metaphorical art). Moreover, Zakiko brings some interesting things to light when it comes to Komaeda and how he would handle Hinata-kun's death, and I think that really shows how much thought they put into reading Komaeda's character, and that's something a huge majority of authors writing KomaHina/HinaKoma do not do.
Danganronpa Dj - Misshitsu No Ghost