Onegai Sonnnani Kamanaide
2.5/5 the seme here is a scum. that SA scene could easily be put in a psychological work where the premise is that the MC becomes traumatized by the event, but unfortunately, in this one, it's taken so lightly, and the very next moment, really, the next moment the ML and MC met again, the ML confessed to the other and the MC just accepted him so freaking easily, it's so frustrating, coz there isn't anything to redeem the ML at all aside from his good looks, but even that can't pull how much of a scum he is, this one I really hoped would turn into tragedy or at least psychological, but no, the author opted for such a mediocre "romance" plot. Only saving grace is the art.
When I Close My Eyes, My Heart Beats
Sore wa Haru no Owari ni
nothing particularly wrong with it, just feels jumpy plot-wise, like the author wanted to create drama at some points but then opt not to. I couldn't care much for the characters nor their dynamic, albeit they were drawn beautifully.
My Dear Agent