How to Train a Good-for-Nothing Rich Boy
yiseo’s adorable although a clichéd dum-dum and and and his body is a work of art. (yiseo fangirl mode: on) i don’t get why y’all don’t like him, i get that he’s spoiled but there are worse brats than him & he’s not so bad tbh, first few office chapters were funny but jaeha was ehh, now with them being tg yiseo’s a lil cutie getting all blushy and shy around jaeha like i don’t appreciate how most people treat him badly but there’s also not much substance to actually judge anything tho, but yihwan jerk hyung just makes my blood boil, also can hyuk please go away he’s been an arse to yiseo since the start and he’s kinda annoying tbh, he’s a side character but why do we see all the sideys here more than the main couple i need me some yiseo scenes i love the art style although some panels are off, it is an interesting story i want more.. i mean it would be soo great if we’d actually get some real chapters not the hasty plot like rightnow… i feel rushed
Lost in the Cloud