Hayama-sensei no Dakimakura
Ch.5.5 this was so adorableeeee
Takara no Biidoro
Ch.7.5 i love that there was no love triangle or even an attempt of tjat being an issue, just that one page misunderstanding made it great. They r so cute i love all the hugs and cute moments between them they r just so cute, also loved the pace it just felt right, and their cahracter design. O ly thing i wish we had the reaction of ghe friends to fisning out they r daiting
Terano-kun to Kumazaki-kun
Ch. 6.6 i lovw the story so much and the character and their personalities, it was so sweet no unessesary drama i just lived every second of it
Saenai Oji-san to Ore-sama Yankee-kun
Ch. Extra 3 its so cute Ch.6 jdkekeksks
Furimuite tsukamaete
Ch.5 Ch.4 I dore this ch they r so cute and thei casual closeness while visiting is just adorable and they r just so cute
Yankee Onii-san o Munekyun Saseru Houhou
Tonari no Otoko