Hengoku no Calendula
Ch.6 page 40 didn't work
Awairo Emaki
Ch. 5 Sjjskfoslais so adorable and cute, noooo the exorsit lost his power and now he can't hold his staph and things and it's so sad but they kissed again and sjdjdndndj
Yamete Kudasai, Mabushii Desu.
Ch.6 It is a really cute story, I loved how supportive the friends were and how both main characters got to like each other and sloly work in their relationship, while falling for each other, the plot and story are super cute and adorable and also the characters. I really loved this story ad I wish there was more.
Shiro to Ao to Yoru to Asa to Sorekara no - Detective Conan dj
I never noticed it was a do until I saw the title after reading it. U don't need to know the original to see how beautiful the story is, they worte it in a truly beautiful way, the drawing are also great, and I just loved it. I really loved it.
Kimi no Oto ga Nari Yamanai
Ch. 5 jekskskskwkeke I live it so much, the seme is so supportive and adorable and the uke is also so cute and like I love their relationship and everything and uuuuuuuugg I need more
Two Colors
Ch. 3 can't wait to read it all