Neko To Watashi No Kinyoubi
i wanttt more wat happens after tht do they end up with eachother T_T Raffmanga
Koi Toka, Kiss Toka, Karada Toka.
Zettai Kakusei Tenshi Mistress Fortune
loved it
Kanshakudama No Yuutsu
lovey dovey
Adeyaka Prince
i remember this manga it was one of the first mangas i read when i started liking animes and mangas ☻
Strobe Edge
wahh this is the best manga i read so far or one of them oh watever but the manga went through many emotional places and they tried their best in something and had their own share of the story which shows abt their own love stories i really liked the manga in my opinion the art was good suspense and everything abt it made me want to read it lol i even finished it in one whole day ^^the manga showed romance,rivals,love triangles,i loved the cute relationships and it was adorable i love the author keep it up it was sooo kawaii and with comedy,drama and i simpily love it!!!!!~☻
Tsubasa to Hotaru
me wanttttt moreee! Raffmanga read chapter 20 yush!
Dakara, Ore Ni Shina Yo
soooooooo sad i wanted hina with kanata no fair i want to punch whoever brought tht other dude to her ugh
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne