I really liked this one until the main leads came to be together. I don't like common korean trope of 'having a rare disporder that is making you unable to feel feelings' (ironc; isn't it borderline antisocial personality disorder?) Dub-con kinda started throwing me off because I won't tolerate that when the couple is actually in a relationship and when it happens I hate when it's not communicated properly but just brushed off by top and portrayed as bottom getting pouty and difficult. Yuck. Also I was invested in the side couple which started to take the lead a bit, but it was intermissioned by main couple and their uninteresting relationship problems, which to me was a sign to unsubscribe this because I haven't read it in a while and now I don't really remember stuff enough to still keep caring.
Sweet Trap
Always love unconventional relationships. Read authors previous work Never Understand too and liked it.
To Dear, My Sorrow