Romantic Lament
akiomi/asahi;; "i don't believe in fate. what i believe in is how i feel." when ure in an i want it to be u competition and ur fucking opponent is akiomi... I CRIED A LOT URE FUCKING KIDDING ME. akiomi stayed true to his promises and didnt let himself get swayed by his insticts—going as far as to injure himself to ensure that he'd keep his wits about him. he knew how much asahi broke when his hand got let go by masaomi in favor of holding mitsuru's but akiomi never once considered letting go of asahi. the scene that got me was the doctor's brief conversation with asahi. i love how he highlighted that although people view fated pairs as something that's nearly divine, its really just someone blindly following their instincts. in contrast, finding love and holding onto that in the face of "fate" is a more potent display of love because its something u decided for urself, its something that u nurtured and painstakingly developed with someone. and to choose that when ur instincts are roaring and telling u to succumb to fate is the highest declaration of love. also every time i close my eyes i remember the scene where akioma bites his fucking hand and yells at the pair to get the fuck away from him all while looking like he wanted to kill them. THIS IS SO GOOD PEAK LITERATURE . (im using my laptop to make this review thats how serious i am about this .)
Paint Love and the Colors Will Bloom
ryuji/leo;; THE GUY WITH THE MULLET HAIRCUT WILL SAVE YOU… i love how leo defended ryuji when they were teasing him about soccer. i love how, despite not knowing it, ryuji encouraged leo to continue painting. i love how ryuji was so certain about his feelings for leo that he communicated his intentions well and got leo to talk to him about why he was running away. i love how naturally they got closer. i love the scene where leo says he can his tears himself and ryuji says that he knows leo can but he’d like to do that from now on. i love that when ryuji talked about how the sky looked beautiful, he talked about the light it gives off and not the color because leo is colorblind. i love them !!!!!!!!!!
junil/nokyoung;; their fates r literally intertwined and they were meant to spend their lives together… i love how nokyoung remained resolute and pushed forward with his decisions even if it meant having nothing to back him up. i love how junil pushed nokyoung to be independent and how, initially, he was just there to provide his thoughts which were more than enough to let nokyoung know that he’s changing things for the better. i love how the narrative established that they’re (reluctant and verging on antagonistic) friends first before painting their interactions with a hue of romance though it pissed me off that after saving nokyoung from a rape attempt junil said that its his third time placing nokyoung on his bed without getting anything in return and the whole reason for the kidnapping was so facile and so out of character;; 1ST REREAD
A Trace of the Wonder
hyeon/yiseon;; PERFECT !!! this is adapted from a novel so it makes sense that the plot is good and the story has great structure. the art is also so beautiful—the monsters and the entire concept of entering dungeons revolving around the seven wonders of the ancient world was given so much justice. i also really loved how it dealt with the progression of hyeon and yiseon's relationship and how it started due to something mutually "beneficial" and turned into something a little more than that. there are no out of place arguments, side characters, and plot points, too, which was super nice <3 i also really love how carefully and mindfully they portrayed PTSD here and how yiseon came to finally accept the idea of moving on and finding friendships. i love how the chord members—including yiseon, of course—valued and protected each other. i also really love how, towards the end, you can see the misery on hyeon's face upon realizing that he's powerless against yiseon's decision to kill himself. i love how he always seemed to be able to know how except for when yiseon's involved in the equation. i love how he pleaded and communicated his feelings to yiseon.
You and I can't do this
hyunwoo/youngwon;; best in communication award !!! i like that their fights are so levelheaded; you commend them for reaching out to each other and although frustrating, you understand why they feel the need to hold themselves back from seeking out the other person right away. i also like that it was never boring even after they got together; they didn't lose their initial dynamic and although they softened up around each other, they can still freely play around and have fun. the whole thing with heeseung pissed me off, though, because i feel like it could have been resolved easily but i do get that it was done to show how youngwon was able to face the source of his trauma little by litte and having it solved right away would not make senese considering how much it scarred him. i do love the confrontation scene between hyunwoo and heeseung, though.
Dangerous Convenience Store
gunwoo/euijoon;; reminded me of the saying, "the only way out is through" :']] also how is this so fucking good... the three yr separation frustrated me so fucking much but honestly the story had so much depth. the characters are levelheaded but theyre given conflicts that burrow into their entirety that make it difficult for them to navigate their feelings and the circumstances surrounding their relationship but they persevere nonetheless, no matter how long it takes them to finally reach the end. i am so happy that we had multiple chapters of just them enjoying their life together as lovers and learning more about each other.
The Art of Taming A Tiger
beom-jin/yoon-jae;; honestly commend the writing so much!!! the entire lore about the separation of the earth and the underworld connected very seamlessly to the initially revealed conflict of the story. i also love how the entire story is akin to a fetch quest and they get to meet a lot of wonderful characters who have their own stories and struggles!!! it really is a good story if it makes you sympathize and grow fond of side characters that do not even appear very often. the brothers’ bond that persisted throughout different lifetimes was so moving. and finally, beom-jin and yoon-jae’s relationship is so heart-warming, it’s so nice how to see how easily it was for them their feelings toward each other and how their interactions naturally became tinged with a hue of romance. i love yoomin too and chief goblin and li-gong!!! such an amazing read, i love it very much with my whole heart. <3
The Promise
jing ye/an nou;; THIS IS SO FUCKING GOOD WHAT THE SHIBAL !!!!!!!! an nou is extremely smart and levelheaded and even during times when his rationality slips hes able to quickly work his way around a situation …. and jing ye was such a piece of shit in the beginning but the moment an nou used himself as a bargaining piece, jing ye has done nothing but ensure that he remains safe and looked after…. even going as far as shackling an nou to make sure that he wont sacrifice his life for the sake of helping jing ye. i also appreciate how it showed the politics of the dungeon whilst ensuring that jing ye and an nou’s relationship is progressing!!! i love the tender moments and fervent confessions so much
Shout Loud My Heart
mika/gen;; peak romance… love is real… i love how straightforward gen is and how its so difficult to misconstrue his intentions bc hes always upfront abt everything he likes and that sort of attitude really balances well with mika who is extremely indulgent and observant but also serious abt things that matter!!! i really adore that theyre very passionate abt their craft which allows them to see eye to eye and understand each other better… i love that they were friends first and how easy it was for them to make a space for each other in each other’s lives as if things had always been that way. i also like that the characters have such great friends who they have developed profound relationships wt… every element just feels so real and raw ahhhhh its everything!!! definitely a favorite <3 i hold this very dear to me
Natsume-san wa Hirakaretai