Chasing the Sun
I know what you're thinking, but no, there are no vampires in this. (the mc's main love interest does dress up as one during a comic con, though!)
Bloody Sweet
Unlike the last manga I added, this one //does// have a vampire. The most puppy-like vampire in the history of writing, but still a vampire. The bullies make me want to set something on fire, and seem a bit unrealistic (then again, I've never had to deal with much bullying, so I wouldn't know.) but other than them, the story so far is pretty interesting!
From Maid to Mother
You know that one au that shows up in every fandom where a self-insert gets reincarnated into whatever world the story takes place in? Yeah, this is basically that. The main heroine is a really sweet, likable character, (even if she does seem like a bit of a mary sue at times with how quickly she solves problems) so it is a good read. ((also why am I reading so many shoujos recently??))
Kuro X Koi
Seems cute so far but I hope it doesn't drag the confusion over the twins out too much. edit: WOW that was a HUGE misunderstanding, but at least the teacher found everything out fairly quickly!
Kyouju to Shitsuji no Shizuka na Seikatsu
//very// cute!
Kajou Mousou Shounen
This is really interesting, I wonder where the writer will take it.
Shinobi Shijuusou