Actually pretty good. Taeui is a bit weird though… his type.. pedo vibes.. Xin Lu is cute tho. Too bad he was using him HAHAHA. Xin Lu and Riegeow are lowkey SEX OFFENDERS BUT THEY’RE ATTRACTIVE SO IDK WHAT TO THINK? ESPECIALLY RIEGROW. Bro is weird asf Though……… I like the indifferent seme trope so bad… which is one of the reasons I kept reading this. Riegrow… he’s slowly falling for Taeui AAAAHHH
Murderer Llewellyn's enchanting dinner invitation
AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHPROBABLY. My favorite BL of all times. What the heck? This is so fucking good. I thought I had read all the good BL’s, but this, THIS THIS ONE JUSR- UGAHFJFLUD TBH i started reading this twice. The first time, I dropped it cause I thought it was so boring. The second time, I dropped it cuz I forgot to read it… THIRD TIME I READ IT ALL IN ONE NIGHT AND it exceeded my expectations. it’s amazing. god worthy. i’m inlove. i’ve never a BL that I had no complains abt. Everything just adds up in the end. a they’re so good together idk what to say js read it hehehehehehdhdhd they’re both hot, as well
Mr. 100% Perfect
what the fuck? i am in love. hahha what the FUUCKK ITS SO GOOD, AND SO LONG I THOUGHT THAT IT HAD AN ENDING BUT ITS STILL GOIN BRO!!!! AAUGAHAHAG The first couple is so cute. They go together so well. A quiet guy, that finds it hard to express himself with a really quick snarky guy. So fucking adorable, although they don’t really have a lot of chemistry… unlike The second couple!! So the second couple actually has way more chemistry. I feel like the author KNEW they were gonna pop up more often, cause she just, like, put so much more details in their story. Poor responsible smart guy, that’s a little naive, with trust issues rich spoiled dude. Mf amazing. The second couple is definitely my favorite I hope kwon kills himself or something lol
Lost in the Cloud
this oneeeee is genuinely really good. it’s actually one of the first BL’s i had read, in my illegal lewhin phase LMFAO we don’t talk about that the story has a good plot in my opinion. alrhough the characters are a little weird at times, (COUGH COUGH skyalr aheemm) it’s still cute!! I like how they show the process of Cirrus’s feelings developing for skylar and stuff (although, now that i think about it, cirrus is using him lmao) Tbh I get the hype. Good art style, realistic enough, and hot possessive seme. i mean what more could you ask for
Minato Shoji Koinrandori
what the heck i love this i know it sounds weird but i fucking love younger semes. they’re so attractive, and it makes it feel like the uke is so much cooler, and not some pussy femboy a little weird the fact the seme is a high schooler, LMAO YES yes obviously weird but guess what? instead of the uke being an idiot pedophile, he backs away from the seme for that exact reason. ah yes, a dude in a boy love manga that doesn’t lack in human decency
Hetare to Bakatare
it’s cute, i like it. what an idiot though, how could he never had noticed his friend likes him? lmao bro nearly raped him and he STILL didn’t get the message HAHAHAA WHAT it’s good tho it’s good no rap3 HehehhHeh weird teacher , i’d fuck tbh
My Hot Friend Is Glowing
ITS SOO CUTE!! Super hot guy x Your average joe KINDA.. rlly… random points in the story Lmaoo and everyone overreacts over the hot guy i’m sure someone existing like that is Impossible fr A lot of be uncovered in the story still but yk, it’s good
Steady Love
usually i like this trope but this kinda mid
Pairing Names
kinda Mid too the art was nice actially just that the characters had a lot of chemistry but also none at all
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