Bloody Monday - Last Season
this manga is truly magnificent its an actioned packed storyline that focuses on the bonds between characters, revenge, suspense, wrapped in true mystery. from the first to the last series of this manga I was hopelessly captured in a web made up of phenomenal art, ,characters with strength and depth that never failed to leave me in awe .what truly caught me, however, was that every character was truly vital to this story their backgrounds and depth of emotions portrayed through the art and writing left me in total awe of the illustrator and writer. with such a magnificent storyline this manga is worth the read and more.
Confession (Kira)
The art work is divine especially the splash of color here and there. Manged to depict emotions ,feel and taste ! Just wow. Oh and the character drawing was like watching as a stunning imaging walked slowly out of the darkness and into the light ! Just beautiful!
Mikado no Shihou