1. After standing in the cursed pond with an underclassman, the younger man becomes a stalker 2. Friend of first upperclassman has an unrequited love with his best friend and track star. One day they end up in the cursed pond together as well 3. The track manager hasn't ran since hurting his knee, but an underclassman cheers him on. After they start dating, the older one goes to a university 2 hrs away. can they manage long distance
Hatsukoi Switch
1. Boy in love with his childhood friend after a kiss in middle school 2. Friend of boy in first story is confessed to by a friend, but wants more than just a confession 3. After hurting his hands at work and hiring a maid service, the person that arrives is a cute former classmate of the man, who wants to only cum from behind
Hatsukoi o Kojirase Sugiru na
1. Friends from high school. Both in love with each other, but both afraid to admit it. They meet again later in life. One who gave up singing because it was to painful to sing love songs, and the other who became a model so he could be close to the entertainment industry and maybe mee his friend again. 2. First roommates and now dating, but not yet having sex and not sure how to go about it.
Kiss Mo Dekinakatta
Sagara from Tsuzuki was Asa Made was rejected by the vice dorm captain, who is wifu to the dorm captain. Seeking comfort in his childhood friend, he pressures him into sex, only to be confessed to right after.
Ubatte Choudai
1. after being confessed to by a classmate, he is confused and has to sort out feelings, which is harder to do when the person keeps touching him 2. fashion designer and pattern maker with a one-sided love. 3. high school kids start dating right before a festival where the uke has to crossdress and make sweets 4. guy realizes his coworker and best friend is gay and also realizes he has feelings for him 5.
Koi ni wa Mukanai Shokugyou