Return Survival
51,62,111,123,130 immune. 64,88 harsh decisions. 90 past. 135 set sail. 141 prophesy ,56,107,122,130,138,148 mutant/variant. 152 god. 153 couple 79 mixed chapters?. 116-121 shit transalation 153
Talented baby squirrel
46 43 animal form. 44 ignorant. 46 papa. 13 constellation. 14,30,41.5 blindfolded 1st prince. 17 father. 26 plan
Main: 13, 22 future/shaman talk. Ex: 14 breakup. 36 end. 1-5 nr 35
Am I the Daughter?
50 24 priests. 39 bear. 47 theo (sword). 42 secret. 48 mom.
Please Marry Me Again, Husband!
93 24 take advantage. 27 propose. 33 marriage. 28 fam. ,73 sis con. 88 jelly. 63,78 know. Political marriage then fell in love with each other. Power sucks life of owner and lover. Returned to past before meeting husband. Brother is busy with household but cares about sis. 79-80 same chapter.
The Fallen Duke & the Knight Who Hated Him
20 12 charm. 20 feelings. 16 misunderstanding 19 lol
Legendary Youngest Son of the Marquis House
The S-Classes That I Raised
144 Support character 108,129,133 know. 130,144 memory. 27 guildmasters. 47,64,123 suspicious (but handsome). 68 public servant. 106 celebrity. 136 hunter association. 49,93 game master. 53,81,86 explanations. 57 contractor. 67 goblin. 132 sad.
Debut or Die
67 51 remnants. 66 preview 59 know. _____ Novel s2c165 60 game peformance. 78 ,132 fan/support. 213 camp hell. 241 guest. 246,307 trip. 271 close. s2c157 award. 63,92,145,179,234,252,314 past/truth. 229 accident. 64,92,147,312,365 mission. 91,93,102,203,244,297, 324,333,351,355 know/talk. 253 success. 275 revenge. 284,317,340 identity. 298,319 system. 216,218 helpful. 226 affected. 364 tricked. s2c143-149 skipped
Marry My Husband