206 Main9 met. 17,68,92,97 confirmed bird. 17,19,99 blush. 55 courting. 63,132 confess. 64,90 hurt. 80,127 remarriage. 85,117,181 kyut. 128,150,200 sexy. 142,144 sweet. 146 attitude. 158 preggy. 173 talk. Fuckers16 revealed. 20,24,51,75 duke. 25,52,65 indifferent. 33 preggy. 34,58-59,165-166 truth. ,57 try to get along. 60 plan. 62,154 know. 101 stupidity. 150,156,162 news. 158 baby. 190,193 ded. 197 amnesia. Events20 conference. 21,23 bday. 36-37,42 potion. 43 ded king. 85 arrived. 181 test. Others@76 priest. 149,180 2nd pair(?). 151 kid. 185 parents. 27,32 sarcastic. 41-42,46,72-73(in law) bro. 67-68 bl 152- 153,172-179 same pages. 196 wrong chapter. Dark hair guy is also interested in the female lead (because of the potion?), he can hear thoughts?.
Remarried Empress