Dangerous Convenience Store
I don't know why I didn't comment on it but I simply loved reading it. It's fluffy and cute and good.
Miscreants And Mayhem
No title has ever been befitting more then this one, plus crazy how the most unhealthy, toxic and weird relationship in every possible way managed to be so freaking adorable. Step family situation that isn't really the case, Step son x Step father. Both with trauma and psychological issues. Top call bottom dad during the deed and for some strange reason it doesn't feel repulsive, weird or inappropriate - probably because he is the symbol of his obsession more than a paternal figure role model -
The Origin of Species
It's so fucking good ! Way to good then what I expected
To You In My Hand
Betrayal story are the best ! and usually I like them, but why are my morals kick's in for this one. If the butler betrayed his master because being the underworld leader is his main job and not a servent, this whole plot would be just fine. «Benefits before loyalty» I vibes with that ! The problem is the backstory that's insinuate Michael was after Dominic neck since the moment he saw him with no reason, as if he wants his client the marquis son to ruin and target Dominic specifically, and what makes it worse it Michael realization at the end that he wants to ruin Dominic sexual by his own hands as if the 15 years they spent together couldn't open his eyes to this.
BJ alex
Première semaine de Marc 2024 ___ One of the very first BL I've ever finished reading and somehow despite knowing what happened it feels like new... C'est encore mieux que dans mes souvenirs ~ loved it ~ malgré que ça m'a pris une semaine entière pour compléter ma lecture je ne regrette pas un excellent webtoon. _______ A Camboy x Fan romance ~ DG is an inexperienced socially distant cinnamon roll, while JW aka Alex is a two faced violent funny jerk (author fav type of top's). That turned to a perfect match. The romance between them is both good and bad, from a reading pov, yet from a written pov this author is doing an amazing job at using structure, plot, internal & external conflicts and main & secondary characters to advance the story and the romance, once “Casual Sex To Lover” trope is complete we get fluffy romance of this two broken character that found each other. I loved how both the show and the coming out was handled, yet there are few things that bothered me : Déjà le fait que DG n'arrête pas de dire «non et stope» a presque chaque scène de sex me dérange. Et puis il y a tout les personnages qui blâme le malheur de DG sur JW alors que c'est pas vrai il est a blâmer mais pas sur tout... Au final il fait que je parle le le relation du couple seconder qui a été parfaitement incrusté sans gâcher l'histoire principale et gardant en même temps son charme. _______ Ch.60 Best love confession and kissing scene, JW say I love you and DG throw himself at JW lips.
Betrayal of Dignity
This is soo~ go~od despite the rushed pacing adaptation & what I felt as sterile romance at first but is not, yet this webtoon as a whole read as dog blood historical romance, and little me can't get enough form of this types of story / plot. Plus the title match perfectly the relationship dynamic of the main couple, as FL is the one who submit. 14/03/2024 suis entrain de relire ce webtoon et j'ai deux choses a dire : ¹ on peut le renommer «Orgueil et Arrogance» et ça marcher tout autant, as ML is being himself. ² knowing the major plot points, J'ai eu une meilleure expérience en remarquant les détails subtil implanté dans les pages malgré plusieurs scènes frustrant. Parmi elles la satisfaction de comprendre à travers le sous texte pourquoi Chloé est infatuer par Damien au début de l'histoire malgré sa personnalité odieuse et méchante envers elle. Et que il n'ai pas derrière l'amant de sa sœur mais c'est plutôt un potentiel ennemi. _______ S.1: End with 30 chapters & what a revelation !¡! Mother fucker ML ! He was behind everything il a tout planifié depuis le débutヾ(゚∀゚○)ツ三ヾ(●゚∀゚) ノ mais le dernier clou dans le cercueil a été accusing FL of the poisoning of his supposed mistress to get her ! Like, seriously! Bien joué Duc, bien joué. je valide the trash behavior to get your lady dans tes filets. ML utilise la technique de « la carotte et du bâton » a plusieurs reprises sur FL & en plus il se permet d'être possessive en verre elle en la menaçant. The typical "bully your crush" character, because he didn't realize that his interest in her is developing. So the characters... First Duc Damien Ernest Von Thisse is soooo my favorite type of male lead / love interest a cunning, conniving, calculating, scheming manipulator, I love that he have no tragic past or want of revenge he's just arrogant and greedy for greatness... he wants it all and he'll do whatever it takes to get it all... Lucky him the perfect pawn aka FL happen to be at the right time & palace. Chloé Verdier in comparison is so doll, so blend, elle ne se démarque pas d'une autre FL de se type. She'll do anything for the people who matters to her and that's the weakness ML capitalized on to work his plane. FL is not a bad character in any way it's just the this is one of those cases when everything it to logical to a fault, everything with her make too much sense.
Roses and Champagne