The Titan's bride
36. Oh my gosh! I'm in love with this couple! They are sweet yet spicy!! 27: please tell me he's not going to run away and try to go back home:( if he does I hope caius goes with!!! 31: Truly confused. The whole chapter is smut, but the ending was truly weird. I'm not sure what to think of it. 32: Ehhhhh?! Please don't be saying goodbye!:*( -- Thank you uploader!!!! 36: Ballin' my eyes out... i have a bad feeling Caius will die or disappear if he sends him back. So it will have all been for nothing... :*(
Psychic Princess Webtoon
So damn frustrating. This girl has the heart of gold, yet she's put in every horrible situation possible. Plus there's something, magically, going on around the prince & nan... not sure if they're connected or not. I despise the concubine, but like the heart struck prince (he's so adorable in regards to our main girl!) Chapter 68!
His Highness, don't leave! I will lose weight for you!
Suddenly Became a Princess One Day
Lady Rose Wants to be a Commoner
5 - pg 11
Emperor And The Female Knight
C45, P4 His Majesty & Miss Pauliana have such an amazing connection. I'm grateful the MFL is super independent and strong willed.
Tale of the Yellow Dragon