Restart wa Tadaima no Ato de
WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE SO ADORABLE?! yamato is just this ball of sunshine and mitsumi just looks at him directly in the eyes and gazes over him fondly despite the pain of bightness :( they are each other's home and they never left once they found it
Salad Days (Tang LiuZang) Webtoon
this ... is gorgeous. like drop dead gorgeous. the art, the writingㅡhow the characters live and present themselves. the contrast between the elegance of dance and violence of boxing and how they're both performed by men who're constantly shallowed in a box and how they outgrow them. the romance is adorable, jiang shen's province life is so nostalgic. i love how open and comfortable bai jinyi is to his lifestyle and how he constantly does things he wouldn't normally do. i love how they care for each other in the most mature and spiritually uplifting way and how their romance just makes them a better person both in and out of their careers. salad days is a masterpiece. i normaly wouldn't add books i haven't read to my lists, but the story is already too good to get bad. i love it so much
Dekoboko Sugar Days
the height difference, the hair, the personalities, dynamic and the motherfucking childhood friends to lovers ... i cannot help but see iwaioi in this ㅠ~ㅠ
Men's Wear Store and "Her Royal Highness"
Haikyuu!! - Empty (Doujinshi)
fucking hell im so lonely
Haikyu!! dj - Samui Hi no Hanashi
the king is holding the sun in his pockets
S to N
this was the first time a stereotypical confession i knew would happen, made me jump from happiness. had to fucking slap a goofy grin on my face because it was just so CUTE WHAT THE FUCK WJY IS IT SO CUTE
Ganbare! Nakamura-kun!!