Asumi-chan is interested in Lesbian Brothels!
Onna Doushi to ka Arienai deshou to Iiharu Onna no ko wo, Hyakunichi kan de Tetteiteki ni Otosu Yuri no Ohanashi
Oshi no Ko
Its moe fluff at the start and after chapter seven it gets dark... Its unfair for the twins to lose their only parent once again. Even after reading until latest chapter, I still can't move on from Ai's death...the trauma the twins have to overcome is so drastically that changed them to looked like creep. Himekawa Akane was also a creep when she impersonated Ai. Everyone here has issues and good character development. I really love this even the author! I hope for good ending for everyone else
Exit's That Way
Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa
Please Bully Me Miss Villainess!
I thought there was more but the ending felt rush like the other work of the author. The author gave a good plot and impression at first but then it's lacking for more info. I dont like how the author just kinda end this when things just getting started
Your Fragrance