Zetsubou ni Nake
full on raw dick man AND THE RAPE TAG???
Online Game Nakama to Sashi Off shitara Shokuba no Onijoushi ga Kita.
had dis happen 2 me so many times bruh
Inukai-san wa Kakure Dekiai Joushi ~ Konya dake wa “Suki” o Gaman Dekimasen!
huahaha i think i fell inlove w him .. aaha
The Handsome Salesman At Work Is An Ideal Master 04
finished — yay i get to see my parentsss againnn after so long, glad theyre all good and well after all this time cuz i wouldve thought theyd be gone by now but i guesss notttt ehheheushsh
Handsome Sales Department is the Ideal Master 02
finished — okay so, i found out that the oneshot from before has a part 2 to it, so obv i had to read it myself loololol, and theyre as cute as alwayssss, glad theyre still doin allat frfr — sigh, yk ive getting a slightly blurred understanding that i love sub n dom type of plots ... am i one of them? ion even know, maybeee but also maybe not
The Handsome Salesman At Work is An Ideal Master 1
finished — thats all? listen, im a sucker for stuff like this okaaaay, so when will they release a special chapter ??? but oh well, this was cute tho frfr trust me on thisss, but srsly why are so many good shi oneshots like im out here one shotting myself in the head if i find another discontinued one shot that i find rlly good like tf
The Ice Prince got caught in the Net.
finished — well theyre def cute, but oneshots are never enough for me i sweaaarrrrr, i like the whole cold prince thingy fr, arent they the best ??? right ?? — but still, it feels like something is missing for no reason at all, or maybe its cuz im js too picky frfr
Handsome Sales Department is the Ideal Master 03
finished — okay, i love them so much, can they adopt me? ill stay quiet when they do their playss i swearr — but at first, i thought the first one was the last time ill ever see the both of them ever again but yk what, im glad theyre back and i can read and finish their storyy hehi
Kimi to Dakara, Zenbu Shitai. Ai de Tagari Kare no Amai Yokkyuu