The Boy And The Wolf
I've held back for a couple months on reading this but I'm glad I started it. I could read this a million times and never get bored of it. Probably my favorite out there. I get so happy everytime It's crazy the development in teras feelings twords the boy. At first he seemed pretty laid back twords stuff aimed at the boy, but now he feels very protective of him. "You're not scared of me" holy shit Finally getting a look into his schizophrenia and sleep paralysis. I wonder if the thing he sees at night is correlated to his parents death like a form of ptsd or something “An unspoken promise only i could read. I saw stars piercing the darkness. Constellations shaping a map meant just for me, i'm sorry i cried. It wasn't out of sadness. I just had forgotten what it feels like to be seen” I'm so heartbroken. They are so sweet Chapter 14-60
The Pizza Delivery Man and The Gold Palace
Chapter 37 waiting for 38 (S2) S2 won't be until february Bookmark: 10-11
Kokou No Hito
94/170 (76 left) The first 30 chapters or so before the two year time skip this looked like a normal manga. But later after the time skip it slowly progressed more and more into intense phycological themes. Maybe it represents Mori's mental state. For instance it would constantly go in and out of present and flashbacks from the past that we haven't seen yet in continuation of that part of the story. Then during those scenes it would become disorted like hallucinations or disorted reality. It's really good. I don't hate it at all. Actually I love it. I would have never imaged just from the first 20 chapters that it would progress into such intense writing. I knew this would be a life changing manga but I never expected it to hit this hard. Everyone around Mori are horrible people. Only can think of three people who were sincere to him and they died, moved far away, and was a background character. Everything that was done with him built up perfectly. I've never felt this bad for a character's social surroundings Time skips: 32 (2y later) 73 (prolly a few weeks after the incident) 88 (4y)
Night Fishing
INTERESTING. At first I thought the guy who ate the peanuts was someone's brother and those guys wanted revenge but no, there's a lot more lore to this. It's like an organization of people who's goals just get deeper and deeper. I'm really intrigued coz at first it just looks like some cannibal weirdos at the back of a restaurant but then u find out it's like a whole organization of people coming together to set this up. Holy shit that "" got me so good. The police are really fucking dumb. There's multiple CCTV footage of people commiting suicide in the exact same way. The positioning, the truck blocking their view, the light going out everytime just a little beforehand, while no bodies are ever found. Doesn't that raise suspicion? Nope apparently not 30 please update
I like the main character and actually relate to him quite a bit in some aspects. Interesting how he's constantly getting violent intrusive thoughts and dreams about murder and violence and how he's cautious and disliking of everyone. For some reason I was kind of wanting to see if this would go the dark route in the beginning and Jiho would start strangling him ':) 34 out of 42 (Korean ver has 68 currently out as of 6/30)
No Moral
So damn interesting. Basically two lawyers who work under the same firm, each having different morals and work ethics that just can't see eye to eye with one another. This shit sometimes cracks me up so much. They're both just so blunt and straightforward with sarcasm mixed in, it's hilarious. The way they talk to each other too is just so salty but in a weird way cute. Honestly I really like this (*´▽`*) it's definitely a hidden gem Ch 87 waiting for S2
Mangago ‘How to’ Guide
need to know how to easily mark a manga completed
Half of Me
Hope it continues to upload. I love the main character and his somewhat relatable backstory. I read the novel and it was so simple yet so effective how at loss he truly was 66
Heaven Official's Blessing