Goodgirlchoco7's manga / #Beautiful Art(2)

Kakekara Hajimaru Sayonara no Koi

Ongoing | Porun,Watanuki Men | 2000 released
2022-05-13 15:07 marked

Pushover Dude, not my style but he's hot and sweet so I'll pardon it. Beautiful, mature looking art. I love love the story and can't wait for them to actually start dating. They are perfect for each other. I love Yoshinaga-san but Riko is prolly my favorite character. She screams boss bitch energy!

Your Smile Is A Trap

Ongoing | Ango,Aengo | 2019 released

Arghhhh!! Why did you have to finish? Kiyuuu Lily's such a cutie New chapters plsss