Jisuh - videographer - cinnamon roll
Heejae - pro actor - sexy asshole
Sun-yool - amateur actor - redeemable asshole
Haeyoung - awkward bean - sexy dom
Ch1 - "I like how your how you see things" "that's a really nice compliment thank you"
Ch11 - sun-yool didn't say please or stop, bad Jisuh
Ch15 - yaassss Jisuh/Heejae kiss on the beach
Ch? - Heejaes one wish r0peplay
Ch22 - v0yeurism <<<<< thr33s0me
Ch25 - Car seggs
Ch26 - the most beautiful inner thoughts from Jisuh turned into Heejae being a hypocritical lil binch and Sun-yool yoinks a disheartened Jisuh
Ch28.- thr33s0me par duex Jisuhs pouting
Ch29 - Sun-yools plotting, Heejaes unlocking my praise knik
Ch30 - puppyplay + Jisuh confessing
Ch33 - Sunyool confessing to Jisuh, Jisuh has committment issues
Ch42 - Jisuh def knows what Heejae did - candle play
Ch44 - Jisuh plots his revenge
Ch49 - waaahhhh breakup
Ch?? - yay back together + new rings
Ch57.1 - happy new years!! + Sun-yool teasing Haeyoung
Ch71-->73 - oh shit Sunyool, oH shit Sunyool, oH SHIt Sunyool!!
From Points of Three