esplodi_cipollino's manga / #O(≧∇≦)O(33)

Fire After Rebirth

Ongoing | Grapefruit Toffee | 2000 released
2023-06-13 13:36 marked

dunno how to feel about the family drama, I mean, ok it's true that nannan is a bad person, but you have always treated him like your own child , just because you learned that he isn't your biological son doesn't mean that you have to treat him like a stranger. Yan is their son, but the process to accept the truth should be slower, he's was literally a stranger

Mr. Dior

Ongoing | 晋江文学城,绿野千鹤,原点格子漫画 | 2019 released

Me Above, Ancestor Below

Ongoing | 甜漫文化 | 2022 released
2023-08-26 18:03 marked